His and His Wedding Rings

As a husband and husband team we are the LGBTQIA+ wedding ring jewellers.

Our collection of his and his wedding rings and his and his engagement rings is very special. Stunning rings for men with designs for all tastes. Rings made to order that will always symbolise your love.

Traditional wedding rings created in the white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold!
Multi-colour bands, and his and his engagement rings, in gold and platinum reflecting the LGBTQ+ flag!
For an extra dimension we can add fabulous diamonds to your his and his wedding rings!

His and his wedding ring and engagement ring

Select different designs or share one that you both love, or we can make rings to your own specifications!
Browse our his and his collection online, arrange a video call, or book a face-to-face appointment!
Superb quality rings, beautifully made and set with fine diamonds - symbols of love!

Click for his and his engagement rings

We love all who are in love, gay couples, trans couples, all couples!
Your desires are central to us. Creating the perfect his and his rings for you is critical!
Enjoy the WOOLTON & HEWITT collection. For our signature wedding and engagement ring please click here!

His and His diamond engagement ring
Photo of our Showroom location in BerkhamstedWoolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage Woolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage Woolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage Woolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage Woolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage Woolton & Hewitt rings for gay weddings and same sex marriage